Baby wearing

Here's a picture of Olivia and I after a long walk in the Mei Tai carrier that I made. It is for Ellie's sister, but I needed to try it out before I felt safe selling it to her.
I love baby wearing, and this is one of three types of carriers I make, all of which I use all the time. I used them even more before Olivia knew how to walk. I call it "efficient parenting for the multi-tasker." How else can you cook dinner when you have a sick toddler?
And did I ever tell you the story of how I got a sick 5 month old, and a tantruming, jealous, exhausted Olivia to fall asleep at the same time by tying Liv to my back and carrying the baby around the house? It really happened.
Can you see my baby belly sticking out? It's there...
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