The Newest Brazier arrived sooner than expected.
And we named him Sherman.
because Rob is not a serious gamer, but he does have a tendency to get lost in his Call of Duty game. The other night he called out to me, "Well, the game says that we can't quit until all of the Germans are driven from Russian soil, so you might not want to wait up for me."
Rob got me two wonderful hanging baskets. A fushia and a basket with cool little purple flowers that he said reminded him of me and Olivia. They're currently hanging on my front porch getting some nice rain.
Luther defeats Pope by 10 votes in Republican race for 61st District (Today's news from our local paper.)
For those who have a Reader's Edition of the Book of Concord handy (the one released before the stupid political recall) turn to page 345. Can anyone tell me where to find a digital copy of this page so I can link it? And read along with me...
The Third Commandment
You shall sanctify the holy day.
What does this mean?
Answer: We should fear and love God so that we may not despise preaching and His Word, but hold it sacred, and gladly hear and learn it.
In preparation for our new baby on the way I'm going to share the two reasons why I occasionally drink wine while I'm nursing, even though I'm not supposed to.