Would you like to read more than stories of our kids? Visit the other blog.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Here is Elise and Rob enjoying a tasty meal of Melissa and Doug wooden steak and cheese under Olivia's birthday balloons.

And here is Oliva wearing her stuffed bear, Obed, in a child sized baby sling. Yes she named the bear "Obed" herself after Ruth's son with Boaz. And if you ask her, she will tell you, "Obed is born," and, "Obed is baptised." Obed also eats his "mom-food" from Olivia's armpit.

This is Olivia's first experience climbing a tree.

And this is our huge 60 pound Sherman.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Just a reminder...

to go to our new site at: loveandblunder.com/
Rob has put a lot into it, and it won't feel like home to us without you there reading it.

Our blogger account will be a place for those of you who are only interested in the number of inches our offspring have gained in the last 3 months to come and get your photo-fix. Hopefully it will be easier to keep things organized this way.

Thanks for reading. :)